
Weekly Net meets every Monday at 8:30 PM local time.

Check-ins taken via Netlogger, 145.390 (88.5),  443.575 (100.0), and 53.290 (100.0 or carrier squelch). If there are issues with the repeaters, the alternate repeater is 147.060 with a 88.5 tone. 

Please read the procedures used for the Monday Net at


The next AJARC monthly meeting will be on TUESDAY, March 4th,  2025,  7:00 PM, at Old Oak Tap Room, 665 Erwin Hwy, Greeneville, TN, 37745.


  AJARC – September 2024 – expresses it’s great appreciation for a $500.00 education grant from:

Wal-Mart Distribution Center



We would like to announce two in-person classroom courses for the Technician License to be taught at Walters State Community College, one course at the Morristown campus, and one at the Niswonger (Greeneville) campus. Also, a Talented and Gifted (TAG 2025) course on amateur radio (HAMtastic) to be taught at the Morristown campus. Finally, ongoing lessons and mentoring at the Greene County Makers in Greeneville, TN. Here are the details on each. Please help spread the word.
Amateur (HAM) Radio Technician License – Adult Class ages 16 and above
Dates and Times: Every Tuesday evening 6-8 pm starting on Jan. 14, 2025 and ending on Feb. 25, 2025
Where: Walters State Community College – Niswonger (Greeneville) Campus
Instructor: Steven Bible, N7HPR
Quick summary (full details are available on the link above and registration information)
This course is designed for busy adults who are interested in obtaining their Technician Class amateur radio license. It is a compressed course of five weeks of lectures and demonstrations. Students will be given handouts with additional information to study between classes. The sixth class will be a review session followed by an official exam session.
Fee: $45
Amateur (HAM) Radio Technician License – Youth (8 – 17 years old) and accompanying Adult
Dates and Times: Every Monday and Tuesday evening 5-7 pm starting on Jan. 27, 2025 and ending on Feb. 25, 2025
Where: Walters State Community College – Morristown Campus
Instructor: John Ellenburg, AI4ZQ
Quick summary (full details are available on the link above and registration information)
This course is designed for youth (with accompanying parent or guardian) who are interested in obtaining their Technician Class amateur radio license, the entry-level license granted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This is a compressed course of five weeks (2 classes per week) of lectures and demonstrations. Students will be given handouts with additional information to study between classes. The last class will be a review session followed by an official exam session. 
Fee: There are two signups for this class, one for the youth (free) and one for the parent or guardian – $45).
2025 TAG – Talented and Gifted – HAMtastic (Grades 5-8)
Dates and Times: Saturdays Jan. 11, 2025 to  Feb. 1, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Where: Walters State Community College – Morristown Campus
Instructor: Steven Bible, N7HPR
Summary: Students will be introduced to basic electronics, radio science, satellite communications, and Amateur Radio through hands-on activities, and demonstrations. The course will empower students with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to understand, operate, and appreciate the wonders of radio technology. A Skytracker Balloon will be launched, weather permitting.
Fee: $199 
Greene County Makers – Wednesday Technical Night
Day and Time: Every Wednesday 6-8 pm
Where: 310 South Cutler Street, Greeneville, TN 37743
Instructor: Steven Bible, N7HPR, et. al. 
Summary: Lessons and mentoring tailored to the students. Covering the Technician and General class licenses. Hands-on demonstrations.
Fee: Free


Currently WCARs testing sessions in Greene County are now being coordinated by Bob Gass. If you need to schedule an exam, message or send an email to requesting an exam session. He will be assisting Abner K4MIK with testing until someone takes over testing.  


Visit the FCC link and register for a FRN if you do not have a license or previously registered with the FCC.  FCC FRN REGISTRATION INFORMATION.   The FRN becomes your FCC ID number.  NOW REQUIRED: Bring your FRN and 1 form of ID.  YOU MUST KEEP A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS ON FILE WITH THE FCC.    If you are upgrading, you must bring a copy of your existing license and if you have a pending upgrade (upgrade not posted yet in the ULS), you must bring the Certificate of Completion also.

Read more about it at the ARRL at

The following application types are subject to the fees:  New, Modification ( Sequential call sign change), Renewal, and Vanity callsign requests. The FCC requires the applicant to pay application fees directly to the FCC via the License Manager system. VECs and VE teams will no collect the $35 fee at the session, only their testing fee.  The FCC will email the applicant when the application is received and applicants have 10 days to submit payment.   There will be no fee for Administrative Updates (email or mailing address changes).

EXAMS GIVEN AT GREENEVILLE HAMFEST.  Visit www.greeneville for more information.  

W4WRE is offering monthly exams in Bulls Gap.



Check with Elijah W4ECW if you are not on the membership list and need to pay dues. The membership list is updated on a regular basis.  If you need to pay your club dues,  you can mail AJARC a check to the club mailbox address [ 1113 Tusculum Blvd, #152, Greeneville, TN 37745 ] made out to Andrew Johnson ARC for $24.00 or send payment through Paypal. 

Paypal payment buttons are now available for donations and dues.  They have been implemented under CLUB INFO, Member Info and Dues


 Greeneville Hamfest 2024 appreciates the support from these businesses: 

American Radio Relay LeagueMFJ Enterprises – DX EngineeringEasyWayHamBooks.comACE Hardware, Greeneville – Bioenno Power